Charlie Stein (German, b. 1986) lives and works in Berlin. She holds a postgraduate and graduate degree in Fine Art from the State Academy in Stuttgart, Germany. Furthermore, Stein holds a graduate degree in Social Sciences and English at the University of Stuttgart, and has taken courses in Chinese culture and economics at the Tongji University in Shanghai. Stein works as a guest lecturer for the School of Digital Innovation Berlin and has given lectures at Pratt Institute in New York, E-Artsup-Paris and led the seminar  "Painting in the Context of Contemporary Art" in 2022 at the HfBK Hamburg.  In her work Charlie Stein deals with dominant cultural aesthetics questioning existing modes of perception within the context of a highly digitized, visually overstimulated world. Her material is gathered through extensive research and translated into drawings, installations, sculptures, paintings and text. Her focus lies on social structures, digital media and contemporary forms of communication. 
Solo exhibitions include (Upcoming) Kristin Hjellegjerde Gallery, London, UK (2025); Kristin Hjellegjerde Gallery, West Palm Beach, USA (2024); Virtually Yours, Kristin Hjellegjerde Gallery, London, UK (2023); Memories Like Hurricanes, Kanya Kage, Berlin, Germany (2023); Artificial Tenderness, Bark Berlin Gallery, Berlin, Germany (2023); Flow My Tears, Bark Berlin Gallery, Berlin, Germany (2022); Unimate, Evelyn Drewes Galerie, Hamburg, Germany (2022); Unimate, Smac, Berlin, Germany (2021); First Day Above Ground, Bark Berlin Gallery, Berlin, Germany (2021); Portrait of a Future, Priska Pasquer Gallery, Cologne, Germany (2021); Malerei 4.0, Kunstpreis Limburg, Limburg, Germany (2019); Amerika, Oberwelt E.V., Stuttgart Germany (2018); One Show Closer to the End, Edenkoben, Germany (2017); The Dual Nature of Be, Do and Have, Delilah, NYC, USA (2017); Eye to Eye, Salon Neucologne E.V. Berlin, Germany (2015); Tea At The Carlyle, Pop Up Show, The Carlyle Hotel, New York City, USA (2015); Schlüsselangst, BBK Württemberg, Stuttgart, Germany (2012).
Selected Group exhibitions include (Upcoming) Haus am Lützowplatz , Berlin (2025);(Upcoming) duo show, Kunstverin Schorndorf, Germany (2025); (Upcoming) Kunsthalle 2 of CCA Andratx, Mallorca (2025); (Upcoming) Above the Sea of Air, Holitopia Festival for Arts & Futures, re:future lab, HTW Campus Wilhelminenhof, Berlin (2024); Sound & Vision, curated by Art On A Postcard, presented by War Child, 180 Studios, London (2024); Where the Wild Roses Grow, Schloss Görne, Kristin Hjellegjerde Gallery, Berlin, Germany (2023); Blind Visions, Treptow Ateliers, Berlin, Germany (2022); Elb/Hängung #2, Villa am Elbhang, Hamburg, Germany (2022); Contemporary Istanbul, Ambidexter.Xyz, Istanbul, Turkey (2022); Fivel, Valerius Art Gallery, Luxembourg (2022); Wow Now, Setareh, Berlin, Germany (2022); A Portrait of Spirits, Bark Berlin, Germany, (2022);  The Outside of the Inside, Bark Berlin Gallery, Germany (2021); Direkte Auktion, Various Locations, Berlin, Germany (2021); Prognose, Württembergischer Kunstverein, Stuttgart, Germany (2021); Winds of Change NFT Exhibition, Priska Pasquer Gallery, Cologne, Germany (2021); Artificial Natures, Bark Berlin Galllery, Germany (2021); Behind the Scenes of Hidden Tracks, Schaufenster, Berlin, Germany (2021); NFT Kitties LAB, bark Berlin Gallery, Berlin, Germany (2021); Hallelujah!, God is a Woman, Valerius Gallery, Luxembourg (2021); Sotheby’s Charity Auction, Vienna, Austria (2021); Perspectives, Re-Future Lab, Berlin, Germany (2020); Echt und Flash, Sculpture Triennial, Bingen, Germany (2020); Something True, Schaufenster, Berlin, Germany (2020); Nebulous, Studio Baustelle Berlin, Germany (2020); _____Poetics, House of Poetics (in collab. With Cooper Union), New York, USA (2019); Artists & Allies II, Signs & Symbols Gallery, New York, USA (2019); Könnte aber doch, Württembergischer Kunstverein, Stuttgart, Germany (2019); Seitenweise Kunst, Scientific Library Mainz, Germany (2019); En Bloc, Galerie AG, Schwerin, Germany (2019); Your Dreams Are My Reality, Berlin, Germany (2019); En Bloc, Galerie Nicole Gnesa, Munich, Germany (2019); All Out, Kwadrat Galerie, Berlin, Germany (2019); Essenz, Kunstverein Schorndorf, Schondorf, Germany (2018); En Bloc, Codex Berlin, Berlin, Germany (2018); Vehement, Villa Merkel Esslingen, Germany (2018); Vehement, Villa Merkel, Esslingen, Germany (2018); Kunstpreis Wessling, Wessling, Germany (2018); Demis-Gros, Les Valeuses, Berlin, Germany (2018); Academiae Youth Art Biennale, Fortezza Fanzensfeste, South Tirol, Italy (2018); 2017/2001/1987, Kunstverein Schonrndorf, Germany (2017); GröKaZs, Villa Merkel, Esslingen, Germany (2017); Perfect Residents (w. Christian Jankowski); Sinopae 6, Sinop, Turkey (2017); POSTERS; Blackball Projects, Williamsburg, NYC, USA (2017); Imaginary Soundcloud, Regierungspräsidium Kassel, Germany (2017); Ichduersiees, Kunstverein, Ludwigsburg, Germany (2017).
Highlights and Awards
Charlie Stein's work can be found in the collection of Telos Foundation, Switzerland; Collection of the Academy of the Arts Stuttgart, Germany; SMAC Berlin Collection, Germany; Setareh Collection; Collection of the China Australia Art Foundation; Art Collection of Limburg and the Von Keltenborn Collection.
Charlie Stein will be joining the Painting Diary Art Publication Residency in Vienna, March 2025. In 2024 Stein was the recipient for the residency program at ISCP in New York. Stein has also been awarded with the Art Fond Foundation Berlin, Development Grant 2022; a nomination for the Villa Aurora Artist Residency in Los Angeles in 2020, the 2019 Painting 4.0 Art Prize of the City of Limburg, a nomination for the 2018 Art Prize of Wesseling; the 2018 Grant of the City of Esslingen for Cultural Development, the 2017 Residency at Herrenhaus Edenkoben; the 2016 Residency at the Cultural Academy of Tarabya; a nomination for the Karl-Schmidt-Rottluff Grant in 2016; the 2015 ACAF Residency Grant of the Australia China Art Foundation, Shanghai, China, a nomination of the 2014 Walther-Stöhrer Prize; the 2014 FöPS Prize for Social Sciences; the 2014 Residency at Trélex Residency, Switzerland; the 2013 Scholarship of the State of Baden-Württemberg to reside in Shanghai; the 2010 Klett-Passage Art Prize, Stuttgart; the 2010 DAAD Scholarship, Beijing, China; the 2008 Art Prize of the Heinrich-Böll-Foundation, Warsaw, Poland.